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Version: 2.1

Core Components

Description of Key Components

  • Applications (apps/): Contains the various applications, each with its own configuration and source code. For example, the beneficiary application includes specific services, controllers, and modules necessary for its functionality.
  • Libraries (libs/): Shared libraries that can be utilized by multiple applications to promote code reuse and consistency.
  • Prisma (prisma/): Manages database migrations and schema definitions, ensuring data integrity and ease of database management.
  • Tools (tools/): Scripts and configurations for development tools, such as Docker compose files and utility scripts for setting up and managing the development environment.
    • docker-compose/: Contains Docker Compose configurations for setting up various development environments.
      • dev-tools/: Configuration files and scripts for setting up development tools using Docker Compose.
        • .env.example: Example environment variables file.
        • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file for development tools.
        • .env: Environment variables file.
      • graph/: Configuration files for setting up graph-related services using Docker Compose.
        • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file for graph services.
    • scripts/: Utility scripts for setting up, managing, and maintaining the development environment.
      • getEth.ts: Script to obtain test ETH for development purposes.
      • Shell script to set up development tools.
      • Shell script containing utility functions.
      • Shell script to bootstrap the development environment.
      • mn.ts: Script for managing mnemonic phrases for test accounts.
      • publish.mjs: Script to publish packages.
      • Shell script to reset the development environment.
  • Configuration Files: Includes ESLint, Prettier, Jest, and other configuration files (.eslintrc.json, jest.config.ts, tsconfig.base.json, etc.) to enforce coding standards and streamline the development workflow.
  • Documentation (, Provides guidelines for contributing to the repository, setup instructions, and an overview of the repository's purpose and structure.