Referral Voucher Project
Referral Project provides Voucher Redemption support to affiliated vendors during the voucher distribution and referral management projects Instead of traditional in-kind aid, such as distributing physical vouchers, the Referral Voucher system gives beneficiaries the flexibility to redeem and refer into the project.
Before you begin, go to the rahat-core repo and run the rahat-core project. This project is dependent on the rahat-core project.
Also ensure your system has the following dependencies installed:
- Docker: Version 20.10.7 or higher
- Node.js: Version 20.10.0 or higher
- pnpm (Package Manager): Version 6.16.1 or higher
Run locally
Step1: Clone project
git clone
Step2: Go to the project directory and bootstrap the project
pnpm bootstrap
Step3: Run the project
pnpm start
Deployment Checklist
Deploy and verify contracts in public chain from local machine
Deploy subgraph for the deployed contract
Update .env file of Rahat-Core(rahat-platform)
- Update blockchain network details
- Update communication message sender API
- Update ERC2771Frowarder contract address and Rahat Admin Private Key
- Update subgraph URL
Run seed script in Rahat-Core to create the users, roles and permissions and update the settings
- Settings should include CHAIN_SETTINGS and SUBGRPAH_URL
Create a project in Rahat-Core and get the Project-Id
Update .env file of Rahat-Project-El
- Update blockchain network details
- Update Rahat-Admin-Private-Key
- Update Project-Id
Run production seed script in Rahat-Project-El to create the project and update the settings
- Settings should include CONTRACT, BLOCKCHAIN and SUBGRPAH_URL
Update the .env in rahat-ui frontend
- Update the API_URL
- Update the Communication API and application Id
- Update chain-settings and subgraph-url
Deployment of Subgraph
graph auth --studio <Authorization_key>
graph deploy --studio <subgraph_slug_name>
For further information follow graph documentation
About Graph Sdk
Sdk for graph query is designed for referral project You need to install graph sdk in rahat-ui for graph query
pnpm install @rahataid/el-subgraph
You need to import graph query from the sdk you imported
import { GraphQuery } from '@rahataid/el-subgraph';
You need to create the sub graph provider
queryService: new GraphQuery(
You need to wrap the above created provider in your project layout
You can call the function from GraphQuery Within your project
const { queryService } = useGraphService();
You can access required function