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Version: 2.1

Referral Voucher Project


Referral Project provides Voucher Redemption support to affiliated vendors during the voucher distribution and referral management projects Instead of traditional in-kind aid, such as distributing physical vouchers, the Referral Voucher system gives beneficiaries the flexibility to redeem and refer into the project.


Before you begin, go to the rahat-core repo and run the rahat-core project. This project is dependent on the rahat-core project.

Also ensure your system has the following dependencies installed:

  • Docker: Version 20.10.7 or higher
  • Node.js: Version 20.10.0 or higher
  • pnpm (Package Manager): Version 6.16.1 or higher

Run locally

Step1: Clone project

git clone

Step2: Go to the project directory and bootstrap the project

pnpm bootstrap

Step3: Run the project

pnpm start

Deployment Checklist

  1. Deploy and verify contracts in public chain from local machine

  2. Deploy subgraph for the deployed contract

  3. Update .env file of Rahat-Core(rahat-platform)

    • Update blockchain network details
    • Update communication message sender API
    • Update ERC2771Frowarder contract address and Rahat Admin Private Key
    • Update subgraph URL
  4. Run seed script in Rahat-Core to create the users, roles and permissions and update the settings

    • Settings should include CHAIN_SETTINGS and SUBGRPAH_URL
  5. Create a project in Rahat-Core and get the Project-Id

  6. Update .env file of Rahat-Project-El

    • Update blockchain network details
    • Update Rahat-Admin-Private-Key
    • Update Project-Id
  7. Run production seed script in Rahat-Project-El to create the project and update the settings

    • Settings should include CONTRACT, BLOCKCHAIN and SUBGRPAH_URL
  8. Update the .env in rahat-ui frontend

    • Update the API_URL
    • Update the Communication API and application Id
    • Update chain-settings and subgraph-url

Deployment of Subgraph

  • Update the contract addresses in the network.json file, following the specified format in the file.
  • Authorize the graph using the authorization key available in your Subgraph Studio account.
  •     graph auth --studio <Authorization_key>
  • Deploy the graph
  • graph deploy --studio <subgraph_slug_name>

    For further information follow graph documentation

    About Graph Sdk

    Sdk for graph query is designed for referral project You need to install graph sdk in rahat-ui for graph query

    pnpm install @rahataid/el-subgraph

    You need to import graph query from the sdk you imported

    import { GraphQuery } from '@rahataid/el-subgraph';

    You need to create the sub graph provider

    queryService: new GraphQuery(

    You need to wrap the above created provider in your project layout

    You can call the function from GraphQuery Within your project

      const { queryService } = useGraphService();

    You can access required function
