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Version: 2.1


To use beneficiary sdk client we need retrive from the SDK using rumsanService.client

  const beneficiaryClient =  getBeneficiaryClient(rumsanService.client);

As the mutation function or query function may contain some payload to be pass which are the parmaeter.

firstNamestringFirst name of the beneficiary.
lastNamestringLast name of the beneficiary.
genderGenderGender of the beneficiary (enum).
birthDateDateDate of birth of the beneficiary.
walletAddressstringBlockchain wallet address of the beneficiary.
phonestringPhone number of the beneficiary.
emailstringEmail address of the beneficiary.
locationstringCurrent location of the beneficiary.
latitudenumberLatitude coordinate of the beneficiary's location.
longitudenumberLongitude coordinate of the beneficiary's location.
govtIDNumberstringGovernment ID number of the beneficiary.
notesstringAdditional notes or comments related to the beneficiary.
bankedStatusBankedStatusStatus indicating if the beneficiary is banked (enum).
internetStatusInternetStatusStatus indicating internet connectivity (enum).
phoneStatusPhoneStatusStatus indicating phone connectivity (enum).
extrasObjectAdditional custom data or attributes
createdAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was created.
updatedAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated.
deletedAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was soft-deleted or marked as inactive.
 success: true
data: {
id: string
uuid: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
gender: string
birthDate: string
walletAddress: string
phone: string
email: string
location: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
govtIDNumber: string
notes: string
bankedStatus: string
internetStatus: string
phoneStatus: string
extras: {}
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
deletedAt: string

pagenumberRequired number of page to be displayed on in
perPagenumberRequired list the number of data in a page
sortstringfor sorting the data
orderasc or desc
 success: true
data: [
id: string
uuid: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
gender: string
birthDate: string
walletAddress: string
phone: string
email: string
location: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
govtIDNumber: string
notes: string
bankedStatus: string
internetStatus: string
phoneStatus: string
extras: {}
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
deletedAt: string

uuidstringRequired get the beneficiary by uuid
 success: true
data: {
id: string
uuid: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
gender: string
birthDate: string
walletAddress: string
phone: string
email: string
location: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
govtIDNumber: string
notes: string
bankedStatus: string
internetStatus: string
phoneStatus: string
extras: {}
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
deletedAt: string


 success: true
uuidstringuuid to upload the individual beneficiary
firstNamestringFirst name of the beneficiary.
lastNamestringLast name of the beneficiary.
genderGenderGender of the beneficiary (enum).
birthDateDateDate of birth of the beneficiary.
walletAddressstringBlockchain wallet address of the beneficiary.
phonestringPhone number of the beneficiary.
emailstringEmail address of the beneficiary.
locationstringCurrent location of the beneficiary.
latitudenumberLatitude coordinate of the beneficiary's location.
longitudenumberLongitude coordinate of the beneficiary's location.
govtIDNumberstringGovernment ID number of the beneficiary.
notesstringAdditional notes or comments related to the beneficiary.
bankedStatusBankedStatusStatus indicating if the beneficiary is banked (enum).
internetStatusInternetStatusStatus indicating internet connectivity (enum).
phoneStatusPhoneStatusStatus indicating phone connectivity (enum).
extrasObjectAdditional custom data or attributes
createdAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was created.
updatedAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was last updated.
deletedAtDateTimestamp indicating when the record was soft-deleted or marked as inactive.
 success: true
data: {
id: string
uuid: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
gender: string
birthDate: string
walletAddress: string
phone: string
email: string
location: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
govtIDNumber: string
notes: string
bankedStatus: string
internetStatus: string
phoneStatus: string
extras: {}
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
deletedAt: string


uuidstringuuid to remove
 success: true
data: {
id: string
uuid: string
firstName: string
lastName: string
gender: string
birthDate: string
walletAddress: string
phone: string
email: string
location: string
latitude: number
longitude: number
govtIDNumber: string
notes: string
bankedStatus: string
internetStatus: string
phoneStatus: string
extras: {}
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
deletedAt: string


source_uuidstringuuid of the source
 success: true
data: {
success: boolean
status: number
message: string


 success: true
data: {
name: string
data: any
group: string

 success: true
data: {
location: string